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Redressing religious inequality for people with disability

CREID along with the APPG on FoRB and APPG on Disability, are hosting a free event next week, sharing new research from India and Uzbekistan on the experiences of people living with disabilities who are also members of religious minority groups

Register to attend here

Around the world, people with disabilities can be the most marginalised in society. Having a disability and being a member of a religious minority can exacerbate that marginalisation and social exclusion, including exclusion from financial support, leading to a cumulative impact on poverty and wellbeing.

Join us for this event to hear about the latest international research on this issue, including experiences from India and Uzbekistan, and to discuss the steps that can be taken to strengthen the social inclusion of people living with a disability who are also from minority religious groups, to help them fulfil their potential to fully participate in society on an equal basis.


Dr Lisa Cameron MP, Chair of the APPG for Disability

Jim Shannon MP, Chair of the APPG for International Freedom of Religion or Belief

Panel speakers

Brigitte Rohwerder, Research Officer, Institute of Development Studies, co-author of ‘Freedom of Religious Belief and People with Disabilities: Evidence from India’

Stephen Thompson, Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, co-author of ‘Freedom of Religious Belief and People with Disabilities: Evidence from India’

Dilmurad Yusupov, PhD Candidate, Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex

Professor Mariz Tadros, Director, Coalition for Religious Equality and Inclusive Development (CREID)Register to attend here

22 June

UK FoRB Forum

27 July

UK FoRB Forum